According to industry experts, about 30-40% of an employee’s salary goes to benefits. Hiring freelancers provides small businesses with a way to obtain quality work at substantial savings when compared to hiring employees. These tips will help you build a successful team.
Identify Jobs That Can Be Done Remotely
Not all freelance work has to be remote work, but the pool of available freelancers for remote jobs is larger than the pool of local labor. Most non-production jobs that do not require face-to-face interaction with customers or vendors can be done remotely. Examples include accounting, payroll, human resources, web design, app development and customer service.
Establish Processes and Procedures
Most freelancers don’t work for a company full-time. They may work on just one project or work on periodic projects. Because you may need different freelancers to do the same tasks at different times, it is a good idea to establish processes and procedures for how you want those tasks done. This way, the work is performed consistently even when different freelancers do the work, and you don’t have to keep rehashing how to do the job every time you hire a new freelancer.
Wrap Up Administrative Tasks
Before you start bringing freelance workers on board, it is a good idea to wrap up any incomplete administrative tasks you have. For example, if you haven’t established a business structure, consider forming a limited liability company. LLCs require less paperwork, are more flexible, have tax advantages and protect your personal assets. State regulations vary, so do your research before you start or save yourself some time and avoid legal fees by working with a formation service.
Find the Right Freelancers for the Job
The internet is one of the best places to look for freelancers. You can check internet job boards or connect with freelancers on social media. Create eye-catching Facebook ads that highlight your freelance positions to get the attention of candidates.
You can speed up this process by using a template to create a Facebook ad and then customizing it with the text, color, font type and size you want. Complete your post by uploading any photos or images.
Alternatively, you can take some of the work out of finding freelancers by working with Buildateam who can match businesses with tested and verified experts.
Learn What Else Your Freelancers Can Do
If you have been working with freelancers you like but the project they are working on is coming to an end, talk to them about what other types of jobs they can do. Many freelancers have a wide range of skills, and you may be able to get other work you need to be done without having to start over by finding freelancers you can trust.
Simplify Your Paperwork
During the hiring process, you will be sending a large amount of paperwork back and forth with freelancers. PDF documents are an ideal format for this paperwork. Avoid the need to print out and scan PDFs by making them editable with a free online converter. This tool turns PDFs into Word files without losing any formatting. The tool is simple to use, requiring only that you upload your PDF, convert it and then download the file.
Building a team of freelancers can benefit your business in many ways. Identify where you need help, establish procedures and processes, use social media to find talented candidates, and manage your paperwork and documents. These tips will help you successfully build your team and boost your business.
Written by Ethel Lair.
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